« Europol 世界最大の違法ダークウェブマーケットプレイスを削除 | Main | 重要な情報の棚卸しは必要だが、そのリストをどのように伝達する? »


英国 政府がスポーツ団体に対してサイバーセキュリティ犯罪者から身を守るための会議を主催したようですね。。。


U.K. National Cyber Security Centre: NCSC がスポーツ団体に対してサイバーセキュリティ犯罪者から身を守るための会議を2021.01.13に主催し、180名が参加したようですね。。。





U.K. National Cyber Security Centre: NCSC

・2021.01.13 (news) Sports clubs gather for summit on the cyber threat

The NCSC is hosting a cyber security meeting to help professional sports clubs and organisations protect themselves against cyber criminals.

興味深いのは、2020.07.23に「The Cyber Threat to Sports Organisations - Ensuring fair play online」と言う報告書をNSCSが出していることですね。。。(私は見逃していましたが・・・)

The NCSC report highlights the cyber threats faced by the sports sector and suggests how to stop or lessen their impact on organisations.



1. メールセキュリティ


2. 要員のエンパワーメント


3. サイバーリスク管理



Forewords 序文
Executive summary エグゼクティブサマリー
Introduction 序章
Source of statistics 統計の出典
How digitally reliant is sport? スポーツのデジタル依存度は?
Threat overview 脅威の概要
Nature of the threat 脅威の性質
Nation-state involvement 国家の関与
Major events 主なイベント
Attack trends 攻撃の傾向
Trend 1: Business Email Compromise (BEC) トレンド1:ビジネスメール詐欺 (BEC)
Trend 2: Cyber-enabled fraud トレンド2:サイバーを利用した不正
Trend 3: Ransomware トレンド3:ランサムウェア
Venue security 会場のセキュリティ
Attack opportunities 攻撃機会
Implementation of key technical controls 主要な技術的コントロールの実施
Venue security: mitigation 会場のセキュリティ:緩和
Risk management & industry trends リスクマネジメントと業界動向
How important is cyber security and who provides leadership? サイバーセキュリティの重要性、リーダーシップを発揮するのは誰か?
What is driving cyber risk management? サイバーリスクマネジメントを推進しているのは何か?
Risk management guidance リスクマネジメントの手引き



Sports organisations are reliant on IT and technology to manage their office functions and, increasingly, their security systems at venues. As detailed in this report, cyber attacks can have a wide-range of impacts; from multi-million pound fraud to the loss of sensitive personal data. The NCSC is not just here to look after the IT systems of the UK government. We are committed to supporting the sports sector and we encourage you all to implement the guidance outlined in this report.

Ciaran Martin - Chief Executive Officer, NCSC


Cyber security is of ever-increasing importance to sports organisations, from grass roots clubs holding personal data through to national organisations hosting and participating in major international sporting events. Losing access to data, IT or technology can have a significant impact on sports organisations resulting in data breaches, fraudulent loss of funds and disruption to event delivery. Improving cyber security across the sports sector is critical. The British Olympic Association sees this report as a crucial first step, helping sports organisations to better understand the threat and highlighting practical steps that organisations should take to improve cyber security practices.

Rt Hon Sir Hugh Robertson, Chair of the British Olympic Association (BOA)



Executive Summary

Sport is central to British life. It provides massive health, social and economic benefits to the nation, contributing billions of pounds to the UK economy each year. This power and profile make the sector a target for criminals and other cyber attackers.

 Cyber security is regarded as an important issue by sports organisations. Almost all those surveyed reviewed cyber security measures in preparation for compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Statistically, this approach appears to have been successful at preventing mass data breaches.

 However, cyber attacks against sports organisations are very common, with 70% of those surveyed experiencing at least one attack per annum. This is significantly higher than the average across UK business.

 The primary cyber threat comes from cyber criminals with a financial motive. Criminal attacks typically take advantage of poor implementation of technical controls and normal human traits such as trust and ineffective password policies.

 There have been a small number of Hostile Nation-state attacks against sports organisations; typically, these attacks have exploited the same vulnerabilities used by criminals.

 The most common outcome of cyber attacks is unauthorised access to email accounts (Business Email Compromise) leading to fraud. Ransomware is also a significant issue in the sector.


The survey highlights the following key areas for sports organisations to review:

Email security

Good email technical controls are not routinely applied in the sports sector. Implementing measures such as anti-spoofing and multi-factor authentication can significantly reduce your cyber risk.

Staff empowerment

Under half of organisations provide staff training. Staff are an important line of defence and it is essential to encourage people to report any suspicious activity they spot.

Cyber risk management

Sports organisations are complicated. Survey results indicate that organisations would benefit from a holistic approach to Risk Management, looking beyond compliance (e.g. beyond GDPR) to ensure all cyber risks are considered across the IT estate.



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