« MITREがサイバーセキュリティを含む宇宙関連の5つの技術報告書を公開していますね。。。 | Main | Europol, UNICRI, Trendmicro 犯罪者もAIを活用!(ディープフェイクだけではない) »


INTERPOL, Europol, バーゼルガバナンス研究所 「第4回犯罪金融と暗号通貨に関する世界会議」の7つの推奨事項


INTERPOL, Europol, バーゼルガバナンス研究所 [wikipedia]が共催で2020.11.18-19に「第4回犯罪金融と暗号通貨に関する世界会議」を開催し、暗号通貨犯罪の動向と調査、闇市場における犯罪の流れと操作の探求、ランサムウェア等の事例研究、仮想資産を巻き込んだマネーロンダリング、暗号通貨を利用した薬物収益の移転などが議論され、7つの推奨事項が公表されていますね。


・2020.11.20 Shaping an international response against criminal finances and misuse of cryptocurrencies

International conference focuses on cross-sector solutions against criminal finances and cryptocurrency-facilitated crime



・[PDF] Recommendations - 4th Global Conference on Criminal Finances and Cryptocurrencies

Basel Institute on Governance 

・2020.11.20 Global Conference on Criminal Finances and Cryptocurrencies closes with 7 key recommendations for fighting crypto-enabled crime



A. Adopt  tools to extend capabilities on how to investigate Virtual Assets  A. 仮想資産の調査方法について機能を拡張するためのツールの採用
B. Apply rules to regulate Virtual Asset Service Providers to prevent money laundering B. マネーロンダリング防止のための仮想資産サービス事業者の規制ルールの適用
C. Apply the strategy to “Follow the Money” C. Follow the Money への戦略の適用
D. Strengthen international cooperation D. 国際協力の強化
E. Adopt a multidisciplinary approach E. 学際的なアプローチの採用
F. Promote new technologies applied to the financial investigation on Virtual Assets F. 仮想資産の財務調査に適用される新技術の推進
G. Adapt investigation strategies G. 調査戦略の適応




A. Adopt tools to extend capabilities on how to investigate Virtual Assets (VAs)

All member countries/states shall continue capacity building initiatives in the field of distributed ledger technologies, as well as their role in the perpetuation or prevention of money laundering or terrorism financing. Production of manuals and training initiatives, organisation of exchange programs and international conferences, as well as development of private public partnerships (PPP) are strongly recommended to keep abreast with this growing threat.

B. Apply rules to regulate Virtual Asset Service Providers (VASPs) to prevent money laundering

All member countries/states are encouraged to establish clear regulatory frameworks and processes to support the registration and AML/CFT supervision of VASPs such as cryptocurrency exchanges, custodial wallet providers and other entities that issue or transmit VAs, in line with the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Recommendations. VASPs should be regulated in the same manner as other financial intermediaries and should contribute to the global efforts towards AML/CFT by implementing compliance programs, risk-based due diligence, reporting, etc. VASPs should be obliged subjects under the AML/CFT regulations to report suspicious transaction reports and carry out enhanced due diligence on customers and their transactions.

C. Apply the strategy to “Follow the Money”

All member countries/states are advised to apply the strategy of following the money by taking appropriate actions against VA-facilitated crimes regardless of the nature of the predicate offence. VAs should be tackled as any other asset in terms of confiscation and investigation. Financial investigations on VAs owned by criminals parallel to the predicate offence investigations are recommended to disrupt criminal organisations and deter crimes.

D. Strengthen international cooperation

Cooperation and exchange of information is essential to dismantle criminal organisations. All member countries/states are therefore recommended to utilise the available global platforms for international investigations, such as those provided by INTERPOL, EUROPOL, Egmont Group and FIU.net in addition to the judicial channels for cooperation and assistance. Public/private partnerships and cooperation initiatives between law enforcement and private companies, universities, NGOs, etc., should be actively fostered to support the flow/exchange of information, as well as developments on new technologies and investigative techniques. This would enhance investigators’ ability to track illicit financial flows and/or obtain more information from VASPs based abroad in a timely manner.

E. Adopt a multidisciplinary approach

Investigations involving VAs require a combination of traditional and specific investigative methods in order to gather the evidence of the underlying criminal activity. Therefore, a multidisciplinary approach in this field, which includes expertise in cybercrime and financial investigation, is essential not only in the investigative field, but also to enhance training and regulations. The synergy between financial and cyber investigators is essential; joint teams consisting of expert investigators from both professional fields are highly recommended.

F. Promote new technologies applied to the financial investigation on VAs

New technologies in the VA investigation field is crucial to aid in increasing the confiscation rate and the effectiveness of financial investigations, and to mitigate related risks. Research and innovation on tools that can facilitate the investigation and prevention of ML and TF involving VAs are highly recommended.

G. Adapt investigation strategies

Every criminal scheme that abuses VAs is different. Hence, investigators should adjust their AML strategies to the detected typology. Additionally, tracking of VA transactions should become a routine task and focus on the most complex task of connecting suspects with VA wallets.



« MITREがサイバーセキュリティを含む宇宙関連の5つの技術報告書を公開していますね。。。 | Main | Europol, UNICRI, Trendmicro 犯罪者もAIを活用!(ディープフェイクだけではない) »


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« MITREがサイバーセキュリティを含む宇宙関連の5つの技術報告書を公開していますね。。。 | Main | Europol, UNICRI, Trendmicro 犯罪者もAIを活用!(ディープフェイクだけではない) »