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英国 NCSC Annual Review 2020 国家サイバーセキュリティセンター2020年報告書


英国の国家サイバーセキュリティセンター (National Cyber Security Centre: NCSC) の2020年報告書が公表されていますね。2019.09.01 - 2020.08.31が対象となります。


・2020.11.03 (news) The NCSC Annual Review 2020

Highlights from the last twelve months at the NCSC.

・・ (speach) Lindy Cameron on the NCSC's fourth Annual Review - The NCSC's new CEO introduces the Annual Review 2020.

・・[PDF] Annual Review 2020 

・・[web] The Digital Annual Review 2020. <- お勧め

・2020.11.03 (news) NCSC defends UK from more than 700 cyber attacks while supporting national pandemic response

The NCSC's fourth Annual Review reveals its ongoing work against cyber attacks, support for the UK during the coronavirus pandemic.

・2019.10.23 (news) The NCSC Annual Review 2019
Developments and highlights from the last twelve months at the NCSC.

・2018.10.15 Annual Review 2018
The Annual Review 2018 - the story of the second year of operations at the National Cyber Security Centre.
・・[PDF] Annual Review 2018

The 2017 Annual Review sets out the progress made within the first year of operations at the National Cyber Security Centre.
・・[PDF] 2017 Annual Review


原文 仮訳

1 Coronavirus – Responding to the pandemic

Much of the NCSC’s work this year revolved around the coronavirus outbreak, which required a government-wide response. The NCSC’s multi-faceted role included giving advice to an increasingly digitally active and dependent public, fixing vulnerabilities and responding to threats emanating from the pandemic.
The NCSC’s proactive measures to defend the UK from coronavirus-related threats fell into five strands of work:
1. Building NHS Resilience
2. Protecting vaccine and medicine Research
3. Supporting remote working and tackling cyber crime
4. Securing the NHS Covid-19 app and large-scale data
5. Supporting Essential Service Providers

1 コロナウイルス-パンデミックへの対応

1. NHS レジリエンスの構築
2. ワクチンと薬を守る 研究
3. リモートワークの支援とサイバー犯罪への取り組み
4. NHSのCovid-19アプリと大規模データの確保
5. 必要不可欠なサービスの提供者の支援

2 Defending democracy

This year the NCSC played a bigger role than ever in defending the UK’s democratic processes and institutions. While defending democracy from cyber threats has always been a key priority, the unique challenges produced by a general election and the introduction of a “virtual Parliament” meant cyber security was never more important in UK politics.

2 民主主義を守る


3 Building a resilient nation

In response to the fast pace and everchanging national and international security threats, the NCSC works through established partnerships to help make the UK as resilient as possible – from defending citizens, businesses and charitable institutions, to safeguarding Critical National Infrastructure , defence and security assets and operations.

3 レジリエントな国家の構築


4 Proactive engagement

Cyber security is a team sport, and while the NCSC is a key player, it can’t make the UK the safest place to live and work online alone. Over the last 12 months government, industry and the general public came together to enhance their shared cyber security.
This chapter sets out how the NCSC developed existing and new partnerships with individuals, communities and institutions to create new ideas and solutions to give the UK a winning edge.

4 積極的な関与


5 Defending the digital homeland 24/7

The core aim of the NCSC is to make the UK the safest place to live and work online. The NCSC loves technology and seeks to help the UK enjoy the benefits of the digital age in a safe and secure way.
To do this, measures are put in place to remove vulnerabilities and prevent as many attacks in the first place. Where attacks do get through the NCSC is there: to respond to incidents, to help support victims and to continually refine the best defences.

5 24時間365日体制でデジタル国土を守る


6 Driving cyber skills

A critical element of the UK’s cyber security future is growing the skills and capabilities that will help safeguard the services and institutions the country depends on, as well as creating the opportunities and advantages that will benefit the UK and its citizens for generations to come.
The NCSC has an important part to play in fulfilling this strategic objective, and creating the next generation of cyber security experts and specialists, as well as developing today’s practitioners is a key priority for the organisation.

6 サイバースキルの向上

NCSCは、この戦略的目標を達成する上で重要な役割を担っており、次世代のサイバーセキュリティの専門家や専門家を育成するととも に、今日の実務家を育成することが NCSC の重要な優先事項となっている。

7 Driving cyber skills

A critical element of the UK’s cyber security future is growing the skills and capabilities that will help safeguard the services and institutions the country depends on, as well as creating the opportunities and advantages that will benefit the UK and its citizens for generations to come.
The NCSC has an important part to play in fulfilling this strategic objective, and creating the next generation of cyber security experts and specialists, as well as developing today’s practitioners is a key priority for the organisation.

7 サイバースキルの推進

NCSC は、この戦略的目標を達成する上で重要な役割を担っており、次世代のサイバーセキュリティの専門家や専門家を育成し、今日の実務家を育成することが NCSC の重要な優先事項となっている。



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