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米国GAO - FedRAMP-連邦政府機関によるクラウドコンピューティングの安全な利用の確保


U.S. GAOのWatch BlogでFedRAMP-連邦政府機関によるクラウドコンピューティングの安全な利用の確保が取り上げられていますね。。。

このWatch Blogはなかなか興味深いです。。。

● U.S. GAO - Watch Blog

・2020.09.01 FedRAMP—Ensuring Safe Use of Cloud Computing by Federal Agencies

Federal agencies increasingly use internet-based (cloud) services to fulfill their missions. However, those services pose cybersecurity risks when agencies don’t effectively implement related security controls.

The 2011 Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (or FedRAMP) aims to standardize the approach for federal use of cloud services. The FedRAMP program establishes security requirements and guidelines that are intended to help secure cloud computing environments used by agencies, helping protect agencies’ data, which could include information used to support their missions such as protecting public health.

Today’s WatchBlog looks at the FedRAMP policies and how agencies’ compliance with policies are monitored. 

・2019.12.12 CLOUD COMPUTING SECURITY: GAO-20-126: Agencies Increased Their Use of the Federal Authorization Program, but Improved Oversight and Implementation Are Needed


Office of Management and Budget monitoring lags 

OMB requires agencies to use the program, but we found that it didn’t effectively monitor agencies’ compliance. This makes it harder to ensure that cloud services agencies are meeting federal security requirements.








・2018.12.19 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE: GAO-19-146R: Analysis of Selected Data Centers Did Not Follow Federal Guidance and Leading Practices

・2020.04.04 CLOUD COMPUTING: GAO-19-58: Agencies Have Increased Usage and Realized Benefits, but Cost and Savings Data Need to Be Better Tracked

・2020.03.25 INFORMATION SECURITY: GAO-20-265: FCC Made Significant Progress, but Needs to Address Remaining Control Deficiencies and Improve Its Program 



■ 参考 (クラウド以外のセキュリティ関連)


・2020.08.19 米国GAO 国土安全保障省と特定の機関は、ネットワーク監視プログラムの実装上の欠点に対処する必要がある

・2020.08.06 US-GAO GAOがOMBにIT管理、サイバーセキュリティの監査結果を伝えていますが結構厳しい・・・

・2020.06.05 米国行政管理局(OMB)が2019年度版政府機関のサイバーセキュリティーに関する報告書(FISMAレポート)を公表していますね。。。

・2020.05.17 GAO 重要インフラ保護:国土安全保障省はリスクが高い化学施設のサイバーセキュリティにもっと注意を払え

・2020.04.15 GAO 国防総省はサイバー衛生を改善する必要があるので7つの推奨事項を作ったよ!という報告書

・2020.03.22 GAO CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE PROTECTION: Additional Actions Needed to Identify Framework Adoption and Resulting Improvements




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