英国のInformation Commissioner' Office (ICO) がAIとデータ保護に関するガイダンス「ICO launches guidance on AI and data protection」を公表しましたね。。。
・2020.07.30 Blog: ICO launches guidance on AI and data protection by Simon McDougall
Simon McDougall, Deputy Commissioner - Regulatory Innovation and Technology, discusses the relationship between AI and data protection as the ICO publishes new AI guidance.
・Guidance on AI and data protection
- Information Commissioner's foreword
- Executive Summary
- About this guidance
- What are the accountability and governance implications of AI?
- What do we need to do to ensure lawfulness, fairness, and transparency in AI systems?
- How should we assess security and data minimisation in AI?
- How do we ensure individual rights in our AI systems?
- Glossary
・[PDF] Full Document
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