Twitterアカウントが乗っ取られた件 (2)
● Twitter support
To recap:
- 130 total accounts targeted by attackers
- 45 accounts had Tweets sent by attackers
- 36 accounts had the DM inbox accessed
- 8 accounts had an archive of “Your Twitter Data” downloaded, none of these are Verified
午前11:18 · 2020年7月23日
■ 報道等
● Piyolog
・2020.07.22 Twitter社内管理ツールの不正アクセスについてまとめてみた
● xakep
・2020.07.23 Хакеры похитили личные сообщения 36 аккаунтов Twitter by Мария Нефёдова
Представители Twitter продолжают публиковать новые данные, которые приносит расследование масштабной атаки, произошедшей на прошлой неделе. Напомню, что тогда были скомпрометированы аккаунты многих публичных людей и крупных компаний, включая Билла Гейтса, Илона Маска, Джеффа Безоса, Apple и Uber, биржи CoinDesk, Binance и Gemini, и так далее.
Теперь инженеры компании пишут, что злоумышленники отдельно просматривали личные сообщения владельцев 36 скомпрометированных учетных записей. Причем один из этих аккаунтов принадлежал неназванному политику из Голландии.
・2020.07.23 Twitter hackers accessed direct messages of up to 36 people, including an elected official, company says by LI COHEN
During last week's massive Twitter hack, attackers were able to login and send tweets from 45 of the 130 accounts that were targeted and access the direct messages of up to 36 accounts, the company said Wednesday. One of the accounts that had its direct messages compromised belonged to an elected official from the Netherlands.
・2020.07.23 Twitter says hackers viewed 36 accounts' private messages b
Twitter has revealed that hackers viewed private direct messages (DMs) from 36 of the accounts involved in last week's hack.
It did not disclose who they belonged to beyond saying one was owned by an elected official in the Netherlands.
But the Dutch far-right politician Geert Wilders has told the BBC that this was a reference to his account.
・2020.07.23 Twitter says hackers accessed direct messages of 36 victims, including one elected official by Kif Leswing
The hackers who took over the accounts of around 130 people last week in an apparent bitcoin scam were able to access direct messages, Twitter said on Wednesday. The hackers accessed 36 direct messaging inboxes, including one for an elected official in the Netherlands, Twitter said. Twitter’s disclosure on Wednesday complicates an already murky picture about who the hackers were and what they were after after a high-profile hack in which accounts for several VIPs posted tweets within minutes asking for bitcoin.
・2020.07.23 Twitter says hackers accessed Dutch politician's inbox
Twitter says an elected Dutch official was among 36 account holders whose direct message inboxes were accessed in a recent high-profile hack.
The politician, anti-Islam lawmaker Geert Wilders, said Thursday that he was informed by Twitter that his account was compromised by a hacker, who posted tweets on his account and sent false direct messages, or DMs, in his name.
● Security Weekly
・2020.07.23 Twitter Says Hackers Accessed DM Inboxes in Recent Attack by Ionut Arghire
Twitter on Wednesday revealed that attackers accessed the direct message (DM) inboxes of some of the accounts that were compromised in last week’s security incident.
● Bleeping Computer
・2020.07.23 Twitter hackers read private messages of 36 high-profile accounts by Sergiu Gatlan
Twitter today admitted that the attackers behind last week's incident read the private messages of 36 out of a total of 130 high-profile accounts targeted in the attack.
Among these, the hackers also accessed the Twitter inbox of Geert Wilders, a Dutch elected official and the leader of the Party for Freedom (PVV).
● Tech Xploer
・2020.07.23 Twitter gains users, but revenue hit by US unrest by Rob Lever
Twitter on Thursday reported soaring user growth in the past quarter even as ad revenues took a hit amid civil unrest in the United States.
evenue slumped 19 percent from a year ago to $683 million. Despite some modest rebound from the pandemic-induced economic slump, Twitter said that "many brands slowed or paused spend in reaction to US civil unrest" in May and June.
Twitter acknowledged late Wednesday that in 36 of the 130 accounts that were compromised, hackers were able to access direct messages intended to be private, adding to the severity of the incident.
● ZDNet
・2020.07.23 Twitter says hackers accessed DMs for 36 users in last week's hack by Catalin Cimpanu
Hackers targeted 130 accounts, tweeted on behalf of 45, and downloaded data from eight.
- The incident took place on Wednesday, July 15, 2020.
- Twitter said hackers used social-engineering to gain access to Twitter employee accounts.
- A New York Times report that has yet to be confirmed by Twitter said that hackers breached employee Slack accounts and found credentials for the Twitter backend pinned inside a Slack channel.
- Twitter said hackers got "through" their two-factor protections but did not specify if it referred to the backend accounts or the Slack accounts.
- Once hackers accessed the Twitter backend, they Twitter's own internal tech support tools to interact with accounts.
- Hackers interacted with 130 accounts, according to Twitter.
- For 45 accounts, hackers initiated a password reset, logged into the account, and sent new tweets to promote their cryptocurrency scam
● ITメディア
・2020.07.23 Twitterの大量アカウント乗っ取り続報 「攻撃者は36アカウントのDM受信箱にアクセス」by 佐藤由紀子
● ZDNet Deutsch
・ 202.07.23 Twitter-Hack: Auch Direktnachrichten von 36 Nutzern kompromittiert
Die Cyberkriminellen übernehmen zu dem Zweck die Kontrolle über die fraglichen Accounts. Davon betroffen ist auch ein gewählter Amtsträger in den Niederlanden. Da Twitter bei Direktnachrichten auf eine Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung verzichtet, liegen sie im Klartext auf Twitters Servern.
● LaVos
・2020.07.23 Twitter: hackers accedieron a mensajes privados de 36 de las 130 cuentas afectadas por el ataque a la plataforma
Twitter informó que en el hackeo a su plataforma del pasado 15 de julio los ciberatacantes accedieron a los mensajes privados de 36 de las 130 cuentas afectadas, entre las que se incluye la de un político neerlandés.
La investigación interna ha develado este jueves que en el caso de 36 de las 130 cuentas hackeadas, los ciberdelincuentes llegaron a acceder a la bandeja de entrada de los mensajes privados, como informa la página de soporte en su perfil oficial en la red social.
Aunque no especifica el nombre, la compañía incluye en esas 36 cuentas la de un político neerlandés, y matiza que "no hay indicios de que hayan accedido a los mensajes privados de ningún otro anterior o actual político".
● Diario Libre USA
・2020.07.23 Twitter: Político holandés entre víctimas de hackeo
Un funcionario holandés fue uno de los 36 usuarios cuyas cuentas en Twitter fueron hackeadas recientemente, indicó la compañía.
El legislador anti islamista Geert Wilders dijo el jueves que la red social le informó que su cuenta fue intervenida por un hacker, quien publicó tuits desde su cuenta y envió mensajes directos falsos en su nombre.
El hacker “de hecho tuvo acceso total a mis mensajes directos, lo que por supuesto que es totalmente inaceptable en varios sentidos”, indicó Wilders.
● 20 Minutos
・2020.07.23 Twitter admite que con el ataque de los Bitcoin los 'hackers' accedieron a los mensajes de 36 cuentas 'de alto perfil'
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