« シンガポール政府 Boston Dynamicsの小型4足歩行ロボが公園をパトールし、社会的距離を保っているか確認。。。 | Main | Naikon APTがオーストラリア等のAPACの政府組織をターゲットにしている? »




スイスの鉄道車両製造会社のStadler Rail社(Wikipedia DE / EN/ JP)がサイバー攻撃を受けたようですね。脅迫を受けており、またデータ漏洩の可能性があると公表していますね。ランサムウェアですかね。。。


Stadler Rail AG

・2020.05.07 Cyber-attack against Stadler IT network (EN)


Cyber-attack against Stadler IT network

The Stadler IT network was attacked with malware. The company has immediately initiated the required security measures and it has involved the responsible authorities. A detailed investigation of the matter is ongoing.

Stadler internal surveillance services found out that the company’s IT network has been attacked by malware which has most likely led to a data leak. The scale of this leak has to be further analyzed. Stadler assumes that this incident was caused by a professional attack from unknown offenders. The offenders try to extort a large amount of money from Stadler and threaten the company with a potential publication of data to harm Stadler and thereby also its employees.
Stadler initiated the required security actions immediately, a team of external experts was called in and the responsible authorities were involved. The company’s backup data are complete and functioning. All affected systems are being rebooted. In spite of the pandemic caused by the Coronavirus and the cyber-attack, Stadler is able to continue the production of new trains and its services.


■ 記事

Railway - News

・2020.05.08 Stadler’s IT network has been attacked by malware. by  Josephine Cordero Sapién


・2020.05.07 BRIEF-Stadler Rail: Cyber Attack On Stadler It Network


・2020.05.08 Rail vehicle manufacturer Stadler hit by cyberattack, blackmailed by

Security Affairs

・2020.05.10 Swiss rail vehicle manufacturer Stadler hit by a malware-based attack by Pierluigi Paganini



« シンガポール政府 Boston Dynamicsの小型4足歩行ロボが公園をパトールし、社会的距離を保っているか確認。。。 | Main | Naikon APTがオーストラリア等のAPACの政府組織をターゲットにしている? »


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« シンガポール政府 Boston Dynamicsの小型4足歩行ロボが公園をパトールし、社会的距離を保っているか確認。。。 | Main | Naikon APTがオーストラリア等のAPACの政府組織をターゲットにしている? »