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NISTIR 8183 Rev. 1(Draft) Cybersecurity Framework Version 1.1 Manufacturing Profile


NISTが、NISTIR 8183 Rev. 1(Draft) Cybersecurity Framework Version 1.1 Manufacturing Profileを公開し、意見募集していますね。この文書は製造環境におけるCSFの実装を支援するため詳細に記述したものという感じですかね。



を提供するものです。。。by Exective Summary


・2020.03.04 NISTIR 8183 Rev. 1(Draft) Cybersecurity Framework Version 1.1 Manufacturing Profile

・[PDF] NISTIR 8183 Rev. 1 (Draft) (DOI)


This document provides the Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) Version 1.1 implementation details developed for the manufacturing environment. The “Manufacturing Profile” of the CSF can be used as a roadmap for reducing cybersecurity risk for manufacturers that is aligned with manufacturing sector goals and industry best practices. This Manufacturing Profile provides a voluntary, risk-based approach for managing cybersecurity activities and reducing cyber risk to manufacturing systems. The Manufacturing Profile is meant to enhance but not replace current cybersecurity standards and industry guidelines that the manufacturer is embracing.



Executive Summary


1.1 Purpose & Scope
1.2 Audience
1.3 Document Structure

2. Overview of Manufacturing Systems

3. Overview of the Cybersecurity Framework

3.1 Framework Core

4. Manufacturing Profile Development Approach

5. Manufacturing Business/Mission Objectives

5.1 Alignment of Subcategories to Meet Mission Objectives

6. Manufacturing System Categorization and Risk Management

6.1 Categorization Process
6.2 Profile’s Hierarchical Supporting Structure
6.3 Risk Management

7. Manufacturing Profile Subcategory Guidance


Appendix A - Acronyms and Abbreviations

Appendix B - Glossary


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